Seconds Out: Head For The Hills
Well today, being 23rd September, means I've been 'A-bloggin' for two years. So today, in a little show of self- preening, I bring you this picture: as, you may see, it is a picture of my blog. I loaded this up on an iPad, which I used for the first time at the Covent Garden Apple Store (see " What Comes Round..." ) (20/08/'10) This new portable computing touch screen device, has a great bright 10inch display, combined with fast loading capabilities and I was very favourably impressed. I hope in this third year of the blog to introduce some video content, as well as continue with the photographs. STOP PRESS: just added (24/09) Video Bar, now watch Gary Lucas, Beefheart, Sun Kil Moon and Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Neat ! Now For Something Completely Different............ Tread carefully, ancient ground lies under your feet. Cracked and parchment brown, in summer heat. the Ridgeway cuts through The Valley of The Horse. From Windmill Hill, l...