Early signs
Today is St. Andrew's Day. It is the last day of November. For us in the south west of England, this is very early for the extreme low temperatures we are now experiencing. Today brought the first flurries of snow to Cheltenham. At this time in Cancun, Mexico, there is meeting of world leaders to discuss and try and ratify global emission cuts. Many countries have backed away from earlier pledges; in a waiting game to see what the developing nations, such as India are going to do. Meantime emissions continue to rise world wide. I have been following350.org; who believe that a 'safe' limit for emissions is 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We are currently at 388 ; so you see it is a reachable goal. read more specs and scientific facts at : http://www.350.org/ A Native American proverb reads: " We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." Keep warm where ever you are. Ck.