The Accordion of Time: Ducks and Weeds

It occurs to me that time can be a little like an accordion; it seems to compress itself bringing to mind fragments of conversations, together with sounds of music and 'pictures' of places. The older you grow; the greater the compression; making it difficult to sequence when these things actually happened. Try thinking of a song from the past. Now try putting a date to when it first occurred. Check your guess and depending upon your age and whether your song has a time memory 'tag'; you're probably going to be wrong. The other day, armed with the knowledge that the wicket was damp, the atmosphere redolent of imminent drizzle; and the north wind was starting to blow; being, clearly, the first day of summer. Into my mind came unbidden the song "Here Comes Summer"; the one that goes # Oh, let the sun shine bright on my happy summer home #. For the rest of that morning I tried in vain to remember who had originally recorded the song, to no ...