Winchcombe or Bust.
In the last posting about our walk along the Gloucestershire Way , we had reached Little Farmcote en-route for Winchcombe. the first photo shows the shot from the skyline , which I showed last week. From this point, the path took us through a small copse and then having reached the summit, began to descend rapidly through fields and very muddy tracks. It was difficult to keep my footing and I was glad of my stick for support Gradually, I'm pleased to say the slope lessened and we were rewarded with views of Winchcombe ahead. After that we meet grassy fields full of sheep. We kept this pastorial image intact until we reached a small passage way which led us to Castle Street and a crossing of the River Isbourne by the road bridge. The final approach to Winchcombe's High Street came from a climb along Castle Street. We had made it. Tewkesbury here we come. *****************...