Woods: Plants:Outdoors
Friday 26th April I managed to get out and about this week. Although the temperatures have climbed;( apart from today 26 /4 ) It was clear that nature has not caught up with the calendar. The trees, shrubs, plants still had the look of winter. The video above was taken at ' New Fancy ' viewpoint in the Forest of Dean. New Fancy. You can see a lot of brown amongst the evergreens. One interesting development I noticed near the car-park into this view-point was a map on the tarmac showing where 100 mines or collieries used to be situated in the Forest. I was amazed at this high figure. On Wednesday (24/ 4 ) I did manage to catch a fetching carpet of wood anemone in Cranham Woods. It certainly brightened the woodland floor. Last Saturday ( 20/ 4 ), D. and I visited Hidcote Manor Gardens, a National Trust property, near Chipping Campden. Although, no longer members, we were able to download a special entrance voucher...