The Major's Winter Thoughts: Football News
" Salutations from The Manse, Upper Pensionville, Bucks. Just taken delivery of our Christmas Cards for this Season. Mr man Baxter was in charge of the lenses and I have to say has made a jolly decent effort. The photograph was shot in black and white, in order Baxter said, to give it a certain cachet. It shows the Memsahib and myself in side profile, with a roaring log fire in the background. Directly in front of the fire our two pugs Algy and Pugwash looking like somnolent bookends. Whilst in front of them is a small table upon which is placed a tray with cut-glass crystal glasses and two bottles; one with the legend ' Flowing Empire ' (our natural water) and the other , " Parson Pear's Spiced Mulled Perry." a new line which we have brought to market for future frosty days ahead. Baxter showing his computer skills, cleverly has introduced colour to show the fire flames and naturally our bottle labels. Good show what. This photog...