Why is it as we get older, do the little things seem to bother us so much? Even approaching seventy years I still get anxious if I misplace my toys. I expect them to be in my designated space, when even if I'm not using them at the time, I still know where they can be found. This is irrational behaviour, but I guess it's just the way I have constructed my personal ' bubble ' over the years, allowing meaningless routines to become part and parcel of my daily life. I mention all this because we have come to the season of Easter; a time of rebirth and renewal, when we, like the clocks move forward and begin planning for the Summer ahead. It is an occasion when we need to take stock and reaffirm the important and eternal values, that really matter in ours lives. Reaching out to our families and friends and comforting them when necessary and at the same time receiving comfort from them, even if it's merely their presence. Checking health issues and seeking to im...