Dipping Time : A Major Release

Dipping Time Under a watery porridge sun with fruit fluffy clouds and gazebo warmth, plans are made. Chairs uncoupled. Bottles spread. Victuals Collected. Oven ready. Sunday best attire Gowns a-spendour Shoes shiny in step with frocks and coats. Let the dance begin. By the porch we meet and greet and sally forth to pews a-plenty. Camera clicks intrude the silence. A prayerful time. Promises are made A signing of the cross A sign of things to come. The font beckons and liquid refreshment will soon be at hand. The spirit descends. She is sprinkled with Aquae Vitae The eternal re-birth has begun, A candle is lit. Light has entered her world as we bathe in her glow. Yestertime memories flood our consciousness. With light steps and thankful hearts we make our way back to celebrate this unfolding day. Ck 22/ 06 / '16 {{{{{{{{{{{}} A Major Rel...