Rhymes and Words: A Snowy Scene
Well here we are again. It's already beginning to seem we've been in the year 2018 for quite a time. Just waiting for the first Snowdrop, to announce Spring is on her way. THE RHYMER'S LAMENT I don’t know where this rhyme is going Because the future is really unknowing From my thoughts words slowly dribble But is it really art or merely scribble? Thoughts cascade from my pounding skull Some quite coherent, but mostly, null. I need to assemble the best phrases. To bring a higher quality that raises This snow storm of useless verbiage Making heart heavy and eyes squirmiest. Oh to produce a memorable ode Upon the minds of readers to bestow, a word, a phrase or slight refrain that makes a stay in someone’s brain. So I’ll look for pearls in oysters and plant myself in quiet cloisters. Ck 16/01/ '18 I wrote the above piece, using the app " Writr. " This allows you to input a word...