Personal Mantras: Wise Words: Views
Personal Mantras Don't just ponder Get up and wander. Don't throw spanners into your good manners. Change your mood don't sit and brood. Put on your bravest face and keep smiling with good grace. If you have good vital signs get out there and ring those chimes. No need to dwell you're looking swell. Personal pride means there is no need to snide. C''mon up and face the day don't let those dreams runaway. Up that slope you must ascend there is no hill that never ends. All mine except the last one above adapted from a Maasai proverb. Please add more of your own. 💂💂💂💂💂 " Whispers can be more powerful than shouting. " Greta Thurnberg. 💂💂💂💂💂 Beech trees begin to colour. At the cusp of Winter. Bears on a wall. 💂💂💂💂💂 and finally: "there's a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in." Father John Misty from ' Anthem' WiFi for now, Ck.