I thought I might look back over the blog and see what I have learned.
Firstly I have noticed that blog is organic in growth terms. The greater your confidence , the more you want to put into your blog. Unfortunately this is not reflected by the blog , which always opens on the most recent post , with all your gadgets , and changes in place.
Since I have started , I have added a calendar , a comment section , a daily photo , other blogs to follow , a labels bar and a web-reader which brings news of Apple, Green Issues , Beefheart and Horse Racing.
I hope to add other devices this year , including a limited amount of video ; but I also realize that the essential essence of the blog are the words which adorn the page and that is why this post will be photo-free.
Looking back I noticed on the 26th September of last year , I was very enthused with " The Road " by Cormac MCcarthy and thought it would make an excellent film ; well I am very pleased to report that this post-apocalyptic tale of a man and his son trying to survive , will be released this year , staring Viggo (Aragorn) Mortensen , something to look forward too.
NP. " Spring Wind " by Greg Brown from 'American Cafe' , played by Neil Gaiman , whilst writing 'American Gods'; which I have today finished !
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