Watch this Space

I ventured to the city of Bath last Monday- no I didn't walk , I used the 'old rattler' and very pleasant it was with only one short stop in Bristol .

 I wanted to find the End Point of the Cotswold Way , which according to my official trail route terminated outside Bath Abbey.

Imagine , my great concern then , when reaching the Abbey, (which is in the centre of the city , close to the Roman Baths), there was not a marker to be seen; not even a tiny acorn.

I entered the  Abbey Shop and enquired whereabouts the sign was. They did not know the answer and in a gentle fob pointed me to the nearby tourist centre.
The information people were more disposed to my question ; but denied knowledge of any proof  of the walk's end.

With a sinking heart I made my way to investigate again the outside surfaces of the Abbey.
and then in a stroke  of fortune noticed an affable' man of the cloth' leaning against a wall with a coffee in one hand.

There was no time to be lost. I raised my question with the gentleman ; saying how upset I would be , if  having walked a hundred miles , I was unable to spot any ending to my  journey.

 The gentleman smiled with a twinkle in his eye and said that as Rector of the Abbey , he had met this problem before and explained that negotiations were currently going on between the various   interested parties ; but that  if I would follow him , he would show me the spot where he hoped  the marker, about 3 -4ft in size would be situated.

And this dear readers , brings us to the photograph ; where in the words of the Rector " We must watch this space ."



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