Mosaics of the Mind
This Photograph was taken from Chedworth Roman Villa, a National Trust property.
It shows new mosaics being worked on by Archaeologists; in order to clean and preserve the 2000 year old tiles.
Full story at:
In this blog today, with or without your forbearance, I want to start to look at trends within the retail market place.
I have recently retired from any form of employment and wish to write down my thoughts over the next three postings on this subject before I forget.
I want to engage you with three precepts ( IMHO) for this current decade; which should be upper most
in managerial thoughts and plans.
1 Green Business is Good Business
Whether we like it or not, our planet is warming up; and as a consequence energy costs are rising.
The media scribes have watered down the term ' Global Warming ' to ' Climate Change' and I expect shortly to hear the term ' Light Living ' or more probably Litelivin' ( quick leg it down the Patent Office and register.)
It seems commonsense, to me that goods which deliver energy savings, are going to increasingly find favour with customers.
For example, clothes will be, in the future embedded with photovoltaic material, combined with chips
, which will allow garments to regulate the heat required to keep the body at a desired temperature.
This solar cell membrane, will in due course find its way into many gadgets and maximise battery use and ultimately in certain cases, in the world where there is a preponderance of available solar heat, change working practice into a night time activity.
All this possible and remember the greater the energy savings, the higher the profit margin will be.
But enough, for the moment, back to the rivers.
Here is a peaceful river scene from the River Severn, near Apperley, Gloucestershire.
As a contrast, an almost serene view of the River Churn, near Fairford, Gloucestershire.
Or, perhaps to end these watery images, lily pads in a pond, near a Gate House, on the Brockhampton Estate, near Bromyard, Herefordshire.
P.S. did you hear about the television aerials who recently got married?
very poor ceremony, but a great reception!
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