Life Flows, in a Courtly Fashion.
The above photograph shows the scene at Marine Lake, Clevedon, last Wednesday 6th April 2011. It was a beautiful, still day. The lakeside was strangely quiet, with no seagulls to be heard and only three adults using radio control to guide model yachts across the lake's surface.
I should explain, that Clevedon is on the coast, and this was the view from the other side of the lake.
This was also deserted and apart from a few bottles mindlessly smashed against the rocks, Clevedon had a peaceful sense of innocence. Sandwiches and coffee went down well.
Within a couple of miles of Clevedon, is the National Trust property of Clevedon Court.
This view is taken from the rear of the building; from the aspect of the terraced garden.
Here the photograph shows a more elevated picture.
The early April blossom was on display.
Clevedon Court, in core form, has survived since medieval times, and the remains of a portcullis, can still be seen in the front entrance.The court was purchased in 1709 by Abraham Elton, and is still the family home of his descendants today.
The Court is open to the public on Wednesday,Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 2-5 pm.
This portrait, situated at the top of of a stair; caught my eye.
It is of Wiliam Makepeace Thackeray ( 1811 - 1863 ) "Business first; pleasure afterwards."
He was a frequent visitor to the court and letters to 'lady friends ' may be seen.
The court has excellent exhibitions of Nailsea glass and Eltonware 'slipware ' pottery.
The above pots were inlaid with gold and platinum, and had a most lustrous shine.
Clevedon Court, with quality exhibits , quality gardens;( having over 200 acres to explore), was certainly a quality visit.
On Thursday 7th April, I ventured down to the Coombe Hill Wetlands. The ground was very firm underfoot and I noticed that the canal banks had been cut back during the winter period.
I reached the Grundon bird hide, but saw little avian activity.
Finally, a quote from Oscar Wilde " There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written. That is all. "
Does this apply to blogs to?
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