Winchcombe: The Missing Bits + xtras

In a recent post " Winchcombe Caught Knapping" 01/04/'11 , I lamented the fact that on this  Cotswold Way circular walk, I made the wrong deduction and went the wrong way from Belas Knap.
Thus on Tuesday 12th April 2011, I set out to partly re-trace my steps, allowing me to finish the walk, using the correct route.

The day was similar in temperature, but the clouds were more wispy and the ground underfoot, still remained firm.
The uphill track from opposite the Cricket Ground, was this time bereft of horses, and reaching the top I headed off on the road diagonally left for about a quarter of a mile.

The views to the valley below were superb.

In a while a track took the walker left and downwards, past cottages, with wonderful views eastwards, towards Sudeley Castle and Winchcombe.

After following the path to the right of farm buildings, you are led through meadows and over stiles, as you descend to Winchcombe.

In the above picture, you can clearly see Sudeley Castle in the mid-distance.

Before, my finishing words on the walk, I wanted to draw your attention to the pleasing yellow sign on the waymarking post.
As, I hope you can see, it marks the Winchcombe Way, with the excellent declaration that "walkers are welcome."
This is the example, we want to see  in all the places the Cotswold Way visits and of course other towns, where walking trails pass through.
Well done Winchcombe !

Back to our circular walk, which concludes, by reaching the road, just above the entrance to the castle.
Turning left onto the road and then walking back down, brings the walker to the corner of Vineyard Street and the War Memorial, from whence the walk commenced.

Overall then, a very pleasing, easy on the eye, walk with steep uphill sections complemented, by long downward stretches, on the return.
Belas Knap, repays the strenuous journey, with its sense of ancient history. However, I would recommend, walking in either Spring or Autumn, as you may become a triffle tired in the heat of the Summer.
Follow the green signs (see picture above) at all times and you won't go wrong.
Enjoy the countryside.

Finally, to finish, here  are four  photographs, taken from three locations, where I have recently been.

They are:  Croome Park (NT) ( No.1)
                  Withington  (2,3)
                   Cam Long Down (4)

Have a good Easter break.




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