Framilode- A "a blowy Severn tided place: river trail.

After the anger on the streets of our cities; I rejoiced in the balm of Severn riverside. It has an unhurried pace; the ripples are of its own making and the tide flows in  and out with clockwork precision.

My starting point was St. Peter's Church , Upper Framilode, at the river's edge.

The above shot shows the colourful mural, from inside the church.

I was following a walk taken by the Late Ivor Gurney (1890 - 1937), man of words and music and one of Gloucestershire's finest.

Here is the plaque to his memory, to be found in Gloucester Cathedral.

It was  near here at Framilode  that Ivor kept his sailboat 'Dorothy', with his friend James Harris, the lock keeper.
I am using the walk 2 , found in the book, " Ivor Gurney's Gloucestershire, " by Eleanor M. Rawling.

She describes the Severn at Framilode as:
"wide and expansive, occupying the foreground with its long gleaming stretches of water and yellowy-grey sandbanks, while the Cotswold Edge to the east and the Forest of Dean to the west provide a permanent backdrop of hill shapes."

Her description, matched my eyes perfectly.

Here is an extract from Gurney's poem "March, " in which he delights in his sail on the Severn.

'My boat moves and I with her delighting.
Feeling the water slide past and watching white fashion
of water, as she moves faster ever more whitening.
Till up at  the white sail in that great sky heightening
of fine cloth spread against azure and cloud
commotion. "  (1925)

So I strode  on through grassy meadows, watching the river widen and bend to the right (starboard) and all was at peace.

Following the instructions, I was trying to find a left path, which would lead me away from the river towards a road and then to Barrow Hill; where Ivor Gurney admired the view greatly.

I was not able to find it; so I sat down on the bank and let the  currents flow by me.

Rested I made my way back to the car and  made my way home via Frampton on Severn and then
 The motorway .

Frampton has one of the largest village greens in the country and  a perfect place to play cricket; as this final photo shows; send in by a friend of mine.

Let's hope for a quiet week ahead.



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