Snowdrop Serenade: The Grey

The Songs I Had

"The songs I had are withered
Or vanished clean
Yet there are bright tracks
Where I have been,

And there grow flowers
For others' delight.
Think well, O singer
Soon comes night. "

Ivor Gurney (1890- 1937 )
Poem first published 1954.

This poignant short poem, reminds us of flowers that grow 'For others' delight; ' including I am sure Mr. Gurney would agree, the humble snowdrop.

So it was on Thursday (2/2 ), that D and I made our way to the Sherborne Estate, now managed by the National Trust, in order to view this season's crop.

They seemed in short supply; but then I remembered that oftentimes, these sturdy chaps generally dislike cultivation and continue to thrive in places where they want to; in the case of Sherborne  quietly amongst the trees.

Enjoy the February selection.

For a further few words on snowdrops please click here: Snow appeal

Well, it does seem as if the Wolf Winter is upon us. It's snowing in Barcelona, and getting desperate in Eastern Europe; where Russia is experiencing its worst cold spell for 30 years. Let us hope that, here in the UK, we only have a  weekend taster and regain rising temperatures next week; although I notice that Cheltenham Town's  home game with AFC Wimbleldon has already been called off ( what do they know?)
So wishing  that you all  keep warm and comfortable during the days to come and not  end up  like those in the film "The Grey ", who  after crash-landing  in Alaska had the wilderness to survive and whose suffering,   we as a family watched last Tuesday (31/1) Phew!  grey




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