Walking the Way: Down the Bank
Writing this on the day of The Grand National, I thought I'd start with a horsey tale.
The house in the picture is called ' Barton Bank. ' It is named after a race-horse, trained here in Condicote, by the Late David 'Duke ' Nicholson. Although, in its career Barton won many races; this horse is best remembered for the 1994 King George 'Chase, run at Kempton Park on Boxing Day.
As you watch the closing moments of the race, you can find out where my money went.
Barton Bank.
Condicote is a pretty little village, which D. and I walked to, from Donnington along the Gloucestershire Way.
The walk, from our last exit point was just over a mile and a half each way.
It was entirely upon roads, with no relief from the tarmac, but the views either side made up for the hard terrain; particularly looking down the valley to the River Dikler and the Donnington Brewery mentioned in my last Way report.
Further along this road, we came to the Donnington Trout Farm.
Now we knew what we were having for tea that night!
In awhile we took a right turning and walked down to the aforementioned village of Condicote.
The village is dominated by a village green square; to the left of which stands Barton Bank House.
On the far side of this foreshortened shot you can see a Stone Cross.
Our faithful guidebook informs us that this Wayside Cross is 600 years old. It is
"set alongside a spring which sustained the inhabitants, and many weary travellers at this important junction of ancient ways, over the centuries." P.90
On the right hand side of the square, we found the ancient Church of St Nicholas.
Over the doorway, D. noticed this beautifully carved stone cornice.
An unexpected treasure in this lovely old church.
After this we retraced our steps, amid the afternoon sun, and returned to our car. We then drove down to the Trout Farm, picked up our fish and returned home.
Well Easter has finished and April is fading fast. Looking forward to a bout of Spring weather next week.
Enlarged absolutely fantastic