From Winchcombe: Looper review.

Last Tuesday D. and I went to see  " Looper "  At the cinema. Here is a Trailer:


The film stars Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Emily Blunt. The plot-line involves Time- Travel from the future (+ 30 years ) to the present,  in order to dispose of people.
I won't bore you with any more details; the trailer will provide some more clues.

I have two points to make:

1 Why are visions of the future cityscape, so ugly, unattractive and dystopian in many films like this?

2   Why are no ladies shown over 40 years of age?

If this is what the future holds; young men dropping drugs; in warrior mode and having casual relationships with girls; who appear to have no mind of their own; then I want no part of it.

The film seems to fall  into two aspects namely: city views, like a dark forbidding "Batman " set and amongst the corn fields in Kansas, in the manner of a Stephen King story.

The Kansas section is the best of the two and  features some good special effects.

The two main leads deliver their lines with aplomb and the leading lady Emily plays a feisty, tough, but 'easy on the eye' woman. Finally mention must be made of the charismatic child actor Pierce Gagnon, who, for me,  stole the show.

My verdict **


  The great virtue of following a trail like  The Gloucestershire Way, is that it leads you along paths that you wouldn't normally walk.
So it was  last Thursday (4/10 ), setting out from Winchcombe Town and turning right at the " Corner Cupboard ' pub and then walking up to meet a junction, where we turned left and then forked right into Harvey"s Lane.

This lane led up an ever increasing incline and after passing Enfield Farm, we turned right into a field. The subsequent climb to the summit of Langley Hill afforded us with wonderful views overlooking Winchcombe.
 See for yourself:

It was a delight to the eye and, on such a lovely morning we were very thankful for the Way bringing us here.
 I planned to reach a spot  above the hamlet of Far Stanley, but alas muddy tracks terminated our forward  trail.

So we made our way back a little way and finding a friendly cotswold wall on which to sit, we ate our sandwiches and coffee and ruminated on the view below,

only to be "serenaded " later by a noisy bull.

On the return journey  and having spare time berfore the arrival of the bus, we had a look in St. Peter's Church in Winchcombe.

We stood for some time admiring the beautiful stained glass window over the altar and afterward sat down on  a bench on the main street and waited for our bus to take us home. A lovely morning.


Hoping for a dry week ahead; cheerio for now,


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