New Year Wishes: Admiral's Advice: In Comes I.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014 to you all.

It's fifty years ago since ' The Who ' were formed; forty years since 'Bagpuss ' hit our screens and of course one hundred years since the start of World War 1; ( no I wasn't around then or for the second round either.)
Where do all those years go?  The accordion  of time seems to squeeze events together closer as I become older. But enough of this. Let me start with a Gloucestershire folk story, in order to inject some humour into the proceedings.

" Two workers, drowsy with the noontide heat, sit down in the shade of the wall they are rebuilding, and fall asleep. Later the farmer arrives, sees no work being done and calls: 'Adam! Adam!' Adam fails to stir but his companion awakens and responds: 'Hello. What's up? '  ' Where be Adam? ' I don't know. ' 'What be he a-doing? ' 'Nothin. ' 'And what bist thee a-doing? '  ' Why I be a-helpin' on him, to be sure. ' "

Taken From "  Folklore Of Gloucestershire,"  by  Roy Palmer, p.219.


Cheltenham Expects --------It's time for the team to become like used-car salesmen and make sure to close out the deal. COYR.

Note: I have been tweeting  in my blog absence during the two league Saturdays. I hope (DV) to publish the complete list at the end of the season. All I have to do is keep thinking them up!


On Boxing Day ( how long ago was that ? ) at Noon  in front of the Gloucester Cathedral, the  "Gloucester  City Mummers " performed their annual play. This was their last occasion  in performance, due to a lack of new members willing to take on the parts. At the end of their play, The Squire of the Mummers handed over a scroll of the script to the Morris Companies; with a hope in the future a new Mummer's group will be formed.

Here are some photographs of the event.

Getting ready.

Three Morris Companies.

The Mummers performed.

In the top picture ' The Doctor ' is discussing fees with ' Jack Vinney ' for the 'life-saving operation ' upon ' King George.'  In the second picture ' The Doctor ' ( out of shot ) is helped by 'Jack ' and ' Father Christmas,' to revive the prone 'King.'

Note: should you wish more footage I have placed a mini- video in  Facebook.  Search under David Curtis.)


Well hoping for a drier week ahead and as I said in a recent tweet : " Would all water please stay in  Swimming pools, ponds, streams, rivers & oceans and stop coming out to play. Thank you so much. "



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