Onwards: Avebury Manor: Carpe Diem

Forty- fied (1974 - 2014 )

Time that impudent scamp
Of moments, days and years .
Distorts memories like cracked 
Mirror images .
Tries to fade events like sepia crumbling paper.
But trust and listen to  the Heart.
It beats slowly, feeding on; 
Tenderness ,
 family values.
 And above all , it stores love.
It rejects the superficiality of age and sees little value in youthful zest and pace ,
Rather it respects wisdom and knowledge as an increasing virtue,

Life is always one beat away from closing time
But in loving care , 
life can be 
A long song; 
so revel in the chorus and marvel at the notes,
Until the end of the score.

Ck. 29 / 08 / '14.


The above link is my blog entry for my last  visit to Avebury Manor in 2012.
Yesterday  with  D. and d. we visited Avebury Manor again. ( the picture at the heading was also taken at the stone circle, Avebury)

To start, two pictures from inside the Manor, where each room is 'fitted out ' in an historical setting.

Teddy bears in a room set in 1939 just before the onset of the War.

Heraldic Devices in the Medieval Hall.

The great delight from yesterday's visit were the gardens and particularly the show of Dahlias, here in their full glory.

The formal gardens with lake and topiary were also in excellent order.

This  lovely day was rounded off  with a cup of coffee served in this magnificent library, to the the accompaniment  of 1940s dance tunes. Bliss !


 Soon,  on the 18th September, the  Scots will have a chance to gain independence.
I hope they will seize the chance and go forward as a Nation reborn.

I am tired of all the negative tactics of the No vote; currency difficulties ( not proved); oil and gas having reduced yields ( not proved ) a rise in unemployment ( not proved ) to name but three. Where are the positive breaks for keeping the Union? Not given.

So wearing my Grant tartan, I ask the Scots to take a leap of faith and vote YES.
C'mon Lads and Lassies, let's stir things up.


Well they do say summer ends on the back of the last horse riding in the St Leger. But I think we have plenty of the ' yellow stuff ' left.
Enjoy your week. I'll post again in three weeks time.
So, until then Cheerio,


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