The Major's View:Robins not Bobbin: The End of It

"Michaelmas greetings from the Manse. Major D. Wyeford Clarke reporting. Well, what a turnaround we have had since my last missile. The Chipping Norton Gang have been ushered out together with Boy George, our resident bookkeeper . In their place we have the steely-eyed Mrs Theresa May as P.M. (Women rule U.K.) and our late defence man Mr.P. Hammond as the new accountant, who refuses to get excited we're told, or pull rabbits out of the hat. He expects everything to be alright- eventually. Mrs. May threw one curved ball in her cabinet appointments by nominating the multi- linguist Mr B. Johnson as her Foreign Secretary. Having sold the economic virtues of 'town' as Mayor of London, he now faces the challenge of selling Great Britain to the World- good luck with that. This has come about because our people, sensibly voted to leave Europe, in something called Brek-it . We will be soon able to make our own trading arrangements with all countries...