The Major's View:Robins not Bobbin: The End of It

"Michaelmas greetings from the Manse.

 Major D. Wyeford Clarke reporting.

Well, what a turnaround we have had since my last missile. The Chipping Norton Gang have been ushered out together with Boy George, our resident bookkeeper . In their place we have the steely-eyed Mrs Theresa May as P.M. (Women rule U.K.) and our late defence man  Mr.P. Hammond as the new accountant, who refuses to get excited we're told, or pull rabbits out of the hat. He expects everything to be alright- eventually.

Mrs. May threw one curved ball in her cabinet appointments by nominating the multi- linguist Mr B. Johnson as her Foreign Secretary.  Having sold  the economic virtues of 'town' as Mayor of London, he now faces the challenge of selling Great Britain to  the World- good luck with that.

This has come about because our people, sensibly voted to leave Europe, in something called Brek-it . We will be soon able to make our own trading arrangements with all countries and especially our Commonwealth. Jolly good show.

Mr Jeremy Corbyn has been re-elected and is now Supreme Leader of the Labour Party. His Mexican wife Laura Alvarez, a former human rights lawyer is very keen to meet with business tycoon and golf course creator, now President Elect Mr. Donald Trump to discuss the building of the wall between the U.S. and her birth country. Baxter says it will be quite a fiery encounter.

I have have further troubles in the 'nether regions ' and thus have had to take my hand off the helm, step back and await treatment.

Step forward the Memsahib. As you might have expected, she has seized command and to date has been a considerable success.

Aware of the new global opportunities, she has sweetened our best selling fruit cider " Cherry Corp " and has signed a trade agreement with India. As a result we have achieved excellent sales with our former colonists.

Knowing how patriotic our Canadian friends are the Memsahib returned our natural drinking water to its former name 'Flowing Empires' with a new label comprising smiling faces, union flags over a background of blue sky and snowy peaks. Initial sales have been very encouraging indeed.

Furthermore she has asked our gardener 'Mouldy ' Muldoon to plant more vegetables given the expectation of rising costs in food, due to brek-it.
The Manse business appears safe in her capable hands.

I have agreed to help our Vicar Ed Harris with a silent auction to raise money for a new sound and picture  system for our local church St. Needfulls. I was able to ask around my old city chums, who responded well.Among items for sale, we have, a signed letter from Mrs J. Rowling; probably written, according to Baxter, with invisible ink; several copies of Mr Tony Blair's tome " A Journey: My Political Life. "(signed interestingly in red ink ) and a Recipe  Book together with a green and yellow scarf from 'Dame' Delia Smith.
 In a moment of weakness I told Rev. Harris I would make up any shortfall in the cost of the equipment. Oh well it is nearly Christmas.

My man Baxter has been in a reasonably chipper mood, even though his beloved  Rangers Football team is languishing in second place behind rivals Celtic. He was naturally miffed when England beat Scotland 3-0 in a recent World Cup qualifier. I told him they were like a bad firm of decorators; they didn't finish the job. Cue blackened mood and mutterings.

The Memsahib will be spending Christmas with our boys Winston and Gordon ; whilst I will stay in the Manse with Baxter and our dogs Eden And Montgomery for company. As a reward for staying, I have granted Baxter extended leave over Hogmanay , which pleased him hugely.

I guess that is all my news to date and it only remains  for me to wish all readers a happy Christmas and to treat your savings with interest, then the interest will look after you.

DWC. "


The above photos were taken watching the Robins  playing  Portsmouth  on ( 19/ 11 / '16 ). On a cold clear Saturday afternoon the game flowed from end to end. The Robins crossed the ball well and showed some bright play. The Robins just could not put away their chances and failed to hold onto to their goal. making the final score 1-1.

Mention must be made of the wonderful ' Pompey ' fans who filled their stand with numbers and sang their heart's out. This was the biggest number of away fans I have ever seen at the ground. A credit to their club.

Since this match, when I thought the Robins showed promise, they have lost their two succeeding matches; and worse the have conceded  six goals in the process.
I hope they recover their spirit soon and climb away from the relegation places.


" Imagine , my great concern then , when reaching the Abbey, (which is in the centre of the city , close to the Roman Baths), there was not a marker to be seen; not even a tiny acorn.

I entered the  Abbey Shop and enquired whereabouts the sign was. They did not know the answer and in a gentle fob pointed me to the nearby tourist centre.
The information people were more disposed to my question ; but denied knowledge of any proof  of the ending of the walk.

With a sinking heart I made my way to investigate again the outside surfaces of the Abbey.
and then in a stroke  of fortune noticed an affable' man of the cloth' leaning against a wall with a coffee in one hand.

There was no time to be lost. I raised my question with the gentleman ; saying how upset I would be , if  having walked a hundred miles , I was unable to spot any ending to my  journey.

 The gentleman smiled with a twinkle in his eye and said that as Rector of the Abbey , he had met this problem before and explained that negotiations were currently going on between the various   interested parties ; but that  if I would follow him , he would show me the spot where he hoped  the marker, about 3 -4ft in size would be situated. "

The above was written in my blog in 2009.and It points to my real concern why  that there was no marker to indicate the end of the Cotswold Way, 

Well I am pleased to report that d. and myself visited Bath last Friday ( 19/ 11 / '16 to see the Christmas Fair there.

And here I am standing on the circular slab which marks the end point of the walk.
 So all good now.


December beckons this week and we draw ever closer to the conclusion of 2016.
I trust you didn't spend all your dosh on Black Friday.
Wrap up well this week and enjoy the sun when it appears.
WiFi for now


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