A 'Powerful' Read: Apple-Tizing: Cheltenham Views

I recently learned in a post that " The Power "  by Naomi Alderman was the winner of the 2017 Baileys ( previously Orange ) Women's Prize For Fiction. This was the first time the prize had been awarded for a science fiction novel. Being a long time Sci Fi fan I got out my trusty Library App and  was able quickly  to reserve a copy of the said book.

It certainly was an engrossing and mildly disturbing read. A dystopian book, which puts women in the 'driving seat, 'as it were. 

By using their bodily electrical systems, they are able to discharge jolts of power, which dependent upon the surge can injure, maim, or in severe cases kill their quarry, which were usually male. By this way the abused became the abusers and the females became the dominant gender.

 So the whole world culture was  changed, in order to adapt to these changed circumstances, with religion becoming increasingly Matriarchal  with the Mother  the superior.

Like GRRM ( Game of Thrones), Naomi uses points of view (POW) to progress her narrative, with main characters Roxy, Tunde (male), Margot and Allie. The book is fast-paced, with short chapters (good!) and very readily becomes a page-turner. 

At the moment (1/7), the book is 13th in the paperback best selling lists, but I'm betting when the 'word' gets out, this will be the summer beach read.

Warmly recommended .



Steve Jobs + iPhone

Last Thursday( 29/ 7 ) marked the 10th anniversary of the iPhone.
The above video clip shows the Late Steve Jobs introducing the first iPhone. It certainly changed the way I used mobile technology. 

Before getting an iPhone 5s, I was using a 'Blackberry ' and thought the fixed keyboard was the best way to interrogate the internet.

But within a short time, although not a ' tea leaf ' I learned to  Pinch and Swipe using my fingers in multi-touch mode on the phones  screen. It was a revelation and the 'computer in your pocket ' became real for me.


To conclude here are two photos taken last week in Cheltenham.

The Neptune Fountains
Promenade carved by Bolton & Sons
in 1893.

I spotted this Statue of a
Lying Man in 
Sandford Park.
Underneath 'him' is
I believe access to
The River Chelt.

That's all for this week, except to say that my favourite group "The Magic Band " announced today (1/7 ) plans for a farewell tour later this year. I shall (DV) be there.

Wifi For Now,


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