
Showing posts from April, 2019

Rebabative: Climate worries

REBARBATIVE - Repelled by Mankind’s treatment of - Earth, our liveable home which  - By our nature and greedy consumption   - Across our planet we - Readily commit to global warming - Bringing temperature extremes  - And raising our ocean’s levels bringing - Territory flooding, land and species loss.  - Instruct our leader’s to heed scientists - Very seriously, helping  next generations - Embrace and protect our only world. rebarbative | r ɪˈ b ɑː bət ɪ v | adjective formal unattractive and objectionable: rebarbative modern buildings . ORIGIN late 19th century: from French rébarbatif , -ive , from Old French se rebarber ‘face each other ‘beard to beard’ aggressively’, from barbe ‘beard’. I was given the word  above. ' Rebarbative ' from a friend, who heard it during a lecture, where clearly the speaker had swallowed a lexicon. No I did not  know this word either, so I have included the definition a...