
Showing posts from August, 2020

Pneuma: Wise Words

  Pneuma The summit is  lower, the hill has less gradient. Rough ground  a trial,   needing  a firm push  on the   walker   to attain forward motion. Yet my desire has not wavered. Locomotion may be slower, but the peaks remain in my mind. Within me my pneuma is strong. The branch bows towards the earth; but the trunk is strong and weathers the hurt awaiting new growth. In the stream the level  has fallen, but the spirit is unquenched, knowing precipation will restore the flow. Breathing hard and blown by winds we continue on our paths, following the light to that final sunset. C.k. 27/08/'20 (Thanks  to L.A. group  Tool for introducing me to Pneuma - the title of their excellent recording.) ( Courtsey J.E.) 🌆🌆🌆🌆 Wise words from Lauren Bacall: " Imagination is the highest kite that   one can fly." 🌆🌆🌆🌆 WiFi for now, C.k.

A Few Words: River Severn. Football Analysis

  A Few Words A few words.  make big pictures  Big pictures can be  sliced and framed, Into motion video. Video needs sounds. Sounds can make music.  Music and video can inspire  Films. Films need a few words  of explanation. 📓📓📓📓📓📓 Rising in the mountains Inspiring painters and poets Very strong currents Enveloping, at times the River bank. Sinuous and serpentine Each bend and curve; becoming  more Voluptuous as the Lady River Enters her  last passage and Returns to the sea  Necessary for ensuring tidal flow. River  Severn  08/08/'20. 📓📓📓📓📓📓 With the new football season only five weeks away ( can you believe it ? ) Thought i'd better look at last year's predictions. Premiership      prediction                actual finish 1 Man City                   1st           ...

Worms Head: Major Recovery

Worms Head ( Gower Coast south Wales.) Regal rocks guard the bay. Steep steps lead the walker  downwards. Reaching the sandy, visceral beach. Siblant surf approaches. Steadily infilling the foreshore and leading the tidal flow in an eternal ceilidh dance; curated by moonshine. Seven years pass. The pathway and my gait  become uncertain both  in  delivery  and purpose. Worn away by storms and my deteriorating starboard  pin. I remember the grandeur of the bay and the space on the sand to sit and ponder and even write down a few lines in the Welsh sunshine. 😞😞😞😞😞😞 CK Written on this Gower beach 03/09/'13.         Updated 05/08/'20 Hello Everyone , From Major Wynford- Clarke. Reaching into my  trusty almanac, I discovered  my last posting was incredibly  over two and  half years ago.  Methinks old Father Tyme, has not only cast  off his army boots; but has changed them for running shoes and has ...