Pneuma: Wise Words



The summit is  lower,
the hill has less gradient.
Rough ground a trial, needing
 a firm push on the walker
 to attain forward
Yet my desire has not
Locomotion may be slower,
but the peaks remain in
my mind.
Within me my pneuma
is strong.

The branch bows towards
the earth; but the trunk
is strong and weathers
the hurt awaiting new

In the stream the level
 has fallen, but the spirit
is unquenched, knowing
precipation will restore
the flow.

Breathing hard and blown
by winds we continue on
our paths, following the
light to that final sunset.

C.k. 27/08/'20
(Thanks  to L.A. group  Tool for introducing me to Pneuma- the title of their excellent recording.)

( Courtsey J.E.)


Wise words from Lauren Bacall:
"Imagination is the highest kite that 
 one can fly."


WiFi for now,


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